Magnet Theatre will be presenting  an open performance of a new play for three to six year olds called Stone Play, at their Observatory premises from the 26 – 27 February 2020.

Stone Play at Magnet Theatre

This is a fabulous opportunity for young learners to see a fun play. Stone Play takes audiences back to the beginnings of humankind, back to a long-forgotten world of light, shadow, song and storytelling. It traces the beginnings of paint and visual expression – stone, ground into powder, rain to make paint and finally image.

The new work by director Jennie Reznek has strong elements of ritual with the body transforming into different creatures, places and times, and is full of the textures and sounds of Southern Africa. Here the actors transform into the first family – springbok, meerkat, ostrich and tortoise, a diverse group of creatures that together find unity.  As they jump from stone to stone, exploring the sound, rhythm and weight of the stones, four performers remind us of the importance of family and of unity in diversity.

What: Stone Play

Where and when: Magnet Theatre, Observatory on 26 and 27 February 2020 at 11am
